1 Step 1
Business Type
Is your company registered, licensed, permitted or approved by the state of which you do business to engage in the distribution or sale of alcohol (beer) or related products ?

Authorized Purchasers:

By checking agree on the distributor application, you agree to the following:

Is your company registered, licensed, permitted or approved by the state of which you do business to engage in the distribution or sale of alcohol (beer) or related products ?pick one!
Please Provide Three (3) Business / Trade References

First Trade Reference:

Second Trade Reference:

Third Trade Reference:

By signing the distributor application, you agree to the following: Udofot Global Premium Beer shall not be sold to retailers that are not licensed alcohol sellers or authorized to sell alcohol in the state that you do business. You must follow the legal distribution of the product in the state(s) that you conduct business in the United States or elsewhere given alcohol sale rules and regulations.
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